Friday, July 17, 2009

Confession #7: I feel a certain sense of entitlement

I have a confession...I feel a certain sense of entitlement to being taken care of or pleased.

A member of a previous congregation once said that he thought the church and the members should do everything in their power to keep the pastor and his family happy. After all, he said, if you expect you pastor to take your call in the middle of the night or come stay with you and your family when you've lost a loved one shouldn't he be happy to take care of you since you've taken care of him? This member then added that the wife of the pastor should really be made to feel happy since her husband must first get through her to come visit or take your call.

This is something that I agree with. You expect me to be happy that my husband is on call 24/7 but don't do anything to compensate him or his family for it. My husband is expected to work 8 hours every day, 6 days a week and still has to visit members whenever they call, teach Bible studies and confirmation classes, preach at funeral and weddings, do pre-marital all outside of that 8 hour/6 days a week time....and I am suppose to be happy about this without any consideration for us and how we feel here.

For example, my husband spends hours (of his time) to counsel couples before they are married, he spends his time writing their wedding sermon and preparing their wedding service and they do nothing for him. No compensation whatsoever for the last three weddings he has done. Just to clear this up, the facility fee you pay for your wedding does NOT include the pastor! Why should I stay here where my husband and family are not appreciated?

Now, I am not talking about the impossible or outrageous here, I am talking about making us feel welcome, wanted, appreciated. This can be done by phone calls, cards, emails, a dinner invite to your home...something simple goes a long way! But, hey, what do I know...I'm only the "pastor's wife."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Confession #6: I regret accepting this call

I have a confession...sometimes I regret answering the call to come to our current church.

It is hard to understand how I could feel so sure that this is where God was calling us only to have the door to this church slammed in my face numerous times since our arrival. It feels like I have to force the door open every Sunday in order to attend worship at a place I don't feel welcomed.

When we were talking about getting married, my husband asked if I was sure I wanted to be a pastor’s wife. With stars in my eyes, I told him unequivocally, yes. I have days when I question whether this is the life I really wanted, and if I could have “done more” with my life.

I know that God could really help me in this area. I know that for Him to use me, I must offer my life as a sacrifice. If that means not accomplishing everything I think I should, letting my talents go to waste, being poor, having no friends at church I know I should accept it.

But the question begs to be asked, could you?