I came to this conclusion a few months ago over some members' continued insistence that they be allowed to use "love songs" (Contemporary Christian Music) in the worship service, that we do away with the liturgy and that we stop being so "legalistic" (what ever the hell that means) when it comes to worship.
On top of all these red flags and many more comes the protests over our frequent use of (God forbid) the word Lutheran when talking about ourselves, our church and other church members. I mean, heaven forbid that we actually call ourselves what we are...Lutherans.
I guess to some peoples minds - even some Lutherans - Lutheran is a dirty word.
Lutherans. Lutherans. Lutherans. Lutherans. Oh my God, I just swore. Did you see that? Shame on me. I should stop confessing what I am and what I believe, after all it is a horribly, horribly shameful thing!